A downloadable single player ttrpg

Soul Poems In Trio is a solo ttrpg made during the "Me, Myself and I" jam where you impersonate a crew of three MCs. It's designed to fit on a phone wallpaper and is all about writing rap lyrics to change the world through words. The main sources of inspiration for the game are De La Soul's music and hip hop history.

The game is intended as an experimental tool to stimulate the urgency of writing, making rap accessible (without forcing technical aspects on the player) and putting the creation of poems/songs as the central mechanic of a narrative experience. Given that listening to songs is necessary in order to play, you can consider it as an occasion to discover new music. Here's a playlist assembled especially for the game (random shuffle is recommended):

In the download section you can find a zip folder that contains xcf/psd files, fonts and everything, so you can adapt the game to your smartphone screen resolution. A web-tool to automatically generate the game image with the correct size is currently being developed by bubez!

The Story
In Soul Poems In Trio a government is forcing people to avoid every change to their dictionary and is trying to retain its power by making rap and any form of innovation in language illegal (for the fake sake of preservation). You play as a trio of MCs who know that changing words is a tool for changing worlds, so they decide to fight for those who can’t, writing their own story and some bars along the way. Define your style, face some personal and collective topics while preparing yourselves for the great concert that will give you a chance to make the wor(l)d a better place for everyone... Will you manage to end the dictionatorship and found the rapublic?


  • a soulo TTRPG by illud
  • layout web tool (work in progress), proofreading and design support by bubez
Click here to open the game image in this page without having to download anything:


soul-poems-in-trio.png 378 kB
soul-poems-in-trio.pdf 29 kB
folder-layout-files-spit.zip 1.6 MB

Install instructions

The base resolution of the game is 1080x1920, and it is meant to fit completely on a single wallpaper of a smartphone. If your device runs at different resolutions, download the zip file that contains the font (Cabin by Impallari Type and Rodrigo Fuenzalida) and all the files to adapt the text, the images, the ratio, etc to your screen.

Development log

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